Qing Mao wallpaper Hero Wars

Qing Mao Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated on: 03/06/2024
Qing Mao Main Attributes
Main Attributes
Position: Front Line
Main Function: Spearman
Glyph Class: Warrior
Main Stat: Agility
Faction: Honor
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Heroic Chest, Outland shop
Qing Mao Tier List 2024
Tier List 2024
Hero Overall Tier List: A+
Hydra Tier List: C

Mastering Qing Mao in Hero Wars Alliance: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Qing Mao's Abilities:

Qing Long (1st Skill): This skill summons a dragon spirit that strikes the nearest enemies three times. Not only does it deal substantial damage, but it also inflicts a burning effect for 5.0 seconds, pushing enemies back. This skill is crucial for crowd control and dealing consistent damage to frontline adversaries.

  • Damage: Max(24029) - (30% Physical Attack + 75 * Skill Level)
  • Flame Damage Keywords: Knockback

Spear Dawn (2nd Skill): Qing Mao's Spear Dawn skill is indispensable for disrupting enemy strategies. It blinds the nearest enemies, significantly reducing their accuracy and causing damage. Keep in mind that the chance to blind decreases if the target's level surpasses the skill level.

  • Damage: Max(13619) - (20% Physical Attack + 30 * Skill Level)
  • Blinding Keywords: Chance-based

Dragon's Claw (3rd Skill): This skill is where Qing Mao truly shines. Dragon's Claw deals damage to the nearest enemy based on their current health. The higher the enemy's health, the more devastating the blow. It's a fantastic tool for finishing off high-health targets or tipping the scales in your favor during prolonged battles.

  • Damage: Max(20%) - (0.1 * (Skill Level + 20) + 8) of the target's current health
  • Percent-based Damage Keywords: Strategic

Effective Team Compositions:

Qing Mao's versatility allows her to synergize well with various heroes, but she particularly excels when paired with frontline warriors like Oya, Ishmael, Astrid, and Lucas. Their combined strength creates an impenetrable wall, allowing Qing Mao to unleash her devastating attacks safely.

Additionally, Qing Mao finds herself at home in teams led by Keira and Artemis. Her crowd control abilities complement their offensive prowess, creating a balanced and formidable lineup capable of dominating any battlefield.

Qing Mao's Talisman Guide

With Talisman, Qing Mao now receives 6000 critical chance points from her stats and 2000 agility points. Although critical chance alone is not enough, if Qing Mao is paired with Sebastian, Tristan, Oya, and other heroes who attack on the frontline, it will have a much more effective effect.

In terms of damage, the Talisman will affect her Ultimate, if Qing Mao significantly reduces enemy armor and hits enemies on the front line with critical damage with Sebastian present in her team, and armor penetration activated. Qing Mao will be able to destroy front-lines of entire enemies.

Talisman of Loss Attributes
Slot Statistics Points
0 Agility +2000
1 Critical Chance +2000
2 Critical Chance +2000
3 Critical Chance +2000

What are Qing Mao's negative and positive points?

Positive Points

  • Reduces Enemy Armor
  • Blind Enemies
  • Deals damage proportional to enemies' health

Negative Points

  • Weak against Julius
  • Weak against shields
  • There is little resistance on the front line

What are Qing Mao’s Evolution Priorities?

Qing Mao Glyphs Priority

Table: Qing Mao Glyphs Priority
Priority Glyphs Stat Increase
1st Armor Penetration 3360
2nd Health 30800
3rd Agility 560
4th Physical Attack 2240
5th Dodge 1120

Qing Mao Artifacts Priority

Table: Qing Mao Artifacts Priority
Priority Artifacts Stat Increase
1st Weapon Armor Penetration: 32040
2nd Book Dodge: 2967
Health: 53394
3rd Ring Agility: 3990

Qing Mao Skins Priority

Table: Qing Mao Skins Priority
Priority Skins Stat Increase
1st Health 106645
2nd Armor Penetration 10650
3rd Agility 1365
4th Physical Attack 7095
5th Dodge 2960
Qing Mao Artifact Max stats Hero Wars Mobile
Qing Mao Artifact, Hero Wars Alliance.

What are the Best Qing Mao Teams for Hidras?

Qing Mao isn't among the best Hydra teams, but you can use her on secondary teams to deal some extra damage.

Which Allies have Best Synergy with Qing Mao?

Ally Skill Synergy
Oya summons the enemy with the lowest health to the front line, and as Qing Mao deals a lot of damage to the front line, these enemies won't stand a chance even when protected by a lot of shields.
Astrid summons her pet Lucas to the front line, increasing damage to enemy tanks with each attack, while Qing Mao attacks enemy tanks on the front line, reducing their armor with each attack. This combo causes a lot of damage to the front line.
Ishmael attacks the front line with critical damage, while Qing Mao deals critical damage and reduces the enemy's armor defense, leaving them vulnerable to Ishmael's damage.

Who is Qing Mao Strong against in Battle?

Defeated Enemies How Qing Mao Beats Enemies
Qing Mao attacks enemies by reducing armor and causing damage proportional to their health, and Corvus has little armor and now with the super health skin, he will be even more vulnerable to Qing Mao's damage.

How to Counter Qing Mao

How enemies defeat Qing Mao
Ziri is the character with the most Armor points in Hero Wars and when she uses her Ultimate ability she increases her physical and magical defense by 150%, so the armor reduction caused by Qing Mao is insignificant for Ziri.
Whenever a shield of Julius or an ally is destroyed, they gain a bonus to magical defense and armor, and all negative effects are eliminated. Thus, Julius becomes very strong against Qing Mao.
Celeste can clear all negative effects applied to her allies, and when Qing Mao reduces the tank's armor. Celeste cleans and restores armor every time she heals an allied tank.

Qing Mao Best Teams

Qing Mao Best Teams
# Heroes
1 Fafnir, Daredevil, Sebastian, Qing Mao, Cleaver
2 Astrid, Isaac, Judge, Qing Mao, Julius
3 Fafnir, Qing Mao, Ishmael, Oya, Astaroth
4 Fafnir, Sebastian, Qing Mao, Oya, Cleaver
5 Fafnir, Artemis, Qing Mao, Tristan, Astaroth
6 Jet, Sebastian, Keira, Qing Mao, Andvari
7 Jet, Sebastian, Keira, Qing Mao, Astaroth
8 Jet, Sebastian, Keira, Qing Mao, Galahad
9 Jet, Sebastian, Keira, Qing Mao, Corvus
10 Dorian, Keira, Qing Mao, Andvari, Astaroth

Conclusion of the Qing Mao Guide

In conclusion, Qing Mao is a force to be reckoned with in Hero Wars Alliance. With her newfound critical damage capabilities and versatile skillset, she can turn the tide of any battle in your favor. By mastering her abilities and strategically incorporating her into your team compositions, you'll undoubtedly rise through the ranks and claim victory after victory. So, gather your allies, hone your tactics, and let Qing Mao lead your alliance to glory!

However, it's important to remember that success in Hero Wars Alliance doesn't rely solely on a single hero, but rather on the collaboration and teamwork of all guild members. Therefore, always strive for harmony among members, share strategies, and support each other to achieve common goals.

With dedication and determination, your guild can become unstoppable, leaving its mark on the history of Hero Wars and reaching the highest ranks of the leaderboard. May the battles to come be epic, and may your guild shine with the light of victory!

Video suggestion

Video: How to Level up Qing Mao with Talisman.

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